French Meringue Cookies

I like to think of French Meringue Cookies as the angel food cake of cookies. They are light, slightly sweet, and easy on the calories.
The origin of Meringue is traced back to the 17th century in a Swiss village. Over the next few hundred years, the idea has been changed and has become very versatile.I couldn’t imagine a world without mountain-high lemon meringue pie. French Meringue cookies are less famous than their counterpart but just as love
Some tips for making these guys are separating the egg whites from the yolks, take great care not to allow ANY yolk to mix with the egg whites.
ALL fats will interfere with the meringue forming, so extremely clean mixing bowls are the utmost importance. Baking them at a low heat for an hour and leaving the oven door ajar as it will produce a crispy cookies.
Grocery store bakeries sell meringue cookies now in assorted colors and flavors, but for me, fresh is the way to go. I love their simplicity, and they are so simple to make.These Cookies are light and delicious. I like to decorate cakes using lightly colored meringue cookies to make a finished look.

French Meringue Cookies
Light as air, a slight crisp and so addictive, you can't stop at one.
- 3 egg whites
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 215 F. and line cookie sheets with parchment paper.
In a clean bowl of a stand mixer, whip egg whites on med-low speed.
add cream of tarter and vanilla as egg whites are whipping.
Increase the speed of the mixer and watch for the egg whites to start to bubble and foam. They will still be a liquid, slowly add sugar.
Increase the speed to med-high and whip until stiff peaks form. To test for stiff peaks, insert a spoon into the whipped mixture. If the meringue pulls up and holds its shape, it is ready.
Pipe the meringue in 1-inch circles and pull up on the bag to create a tip on the cookie. Fill the baking sheet with piped meringue leaving a space of 2 inches apart.
The cookies should be shiny and easy to remove from the parchment paper. At this point, leave the cookies in the oven, turn oven off and crack the door. Allow the cookies to dry and cool.
Store these bad boys in an airtight container for two days. These cookies show us that healthy snacking can be damn good!
Now, Start separating your eggs as I sit down with a cup of coffee and a couple… umm I mean a few cookies and enjoy the afternoon.